De Regt Conveyor Systems makes its business location sustainable with solar energy. 

We have recently fitted out part of our total roof area with solar energy.

On the roof of hangars 5 and 6, 740 solar panels have been installed with a capacity of 375 Wp (Watt peak) per panel. The annual yield of the installation is expected to be 250,000 kWh (kilowatt hours).


Investing in sustainable and future-oriented solutions.

Increasing sustainability has of course been important for some time, but as of 1 July 2019, the energy saving obligation has been introduced. This means that if a company uses 50,000 kWh of electricity or 25,000 m3 of natural gas per year or more, the company is obliged to take energy-saving measures. This is also the case with De Regt Conveyor Systems B.V.

In the preparatory phase, it appeared that solar panels could contribute in a profitable way to the ‘sustainability’ of our company. The possibilities for the use of solar panels have been investigated, based on the size of the available roofs.

Particular attention was paid to the roof structure, to ensure that it is strong enough to support a solar panel system. The condition of the roofing was also taken into account, as the solar panels will be installed on it for 25 years. It turned out that the surface of the roof is sufficient and that the roof construction is of sufficient quality. The subsidy and fiscal possibilities were also investigated. In addition, the number of solar panels to be installed and the return on investment were calculated. Since De Regt qualifies for an SDE+ subsidy (Stimulating Sustainable Energy Production), the application was started and the subsidy was granted. A supplier was chosen from several requests for tender for the installation of the solar panels. The choice was made based on meeting the requested specifications in combination with a good price.


Specifications of the installation

The solar panel installation was supplied and installed by Elektro Technisch Buro Van de Beek B.V. and consists, among other things, of :

  • 740 solar panels of the brand Canadian Solar, with a capacity of 375Wp (Watt peak) per panel;
  • 2 inverters of the brand SMA, this is the world leader in the inverter market and they are very good quality. Each inverter is equipped with an internet connection. In combination with an SMA Datamanager and Energymeter, the entire installation and its yield are monitored via internet;
  • New 400A junction box for solar panel installation in shed 5.
  • A platform at the corner of shed 5 for the office. The main distributor and both inverters are placed on this platform.


Sustainability of De Regt Conveyor Systems B.V.

After completion of the project, De Regt will have a solar power installation with 740 solar panels on the roof, with which the company can largely produce its own energy requirements. The SDE subsidy runs for 15 years and means that this investment will have paid for itself within 10 years.

De Regt Conveyor Systems B.V.
IJzendijkseweg 5
4521 GX Biervliet
T. +31 (0)115 456 200
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