De Regt Conveyor Systems wins Yara Challenge.
De Regt Conveyor Systems is the winner of the Yara Dust-Free Loading Challenge, by coming up with an innovative solution to reduce dust when loading fertiliser from the factory to ships.
In January 2021, Yara Sluiskil in collaboration with Dockwize challenged companies and experts to come up with solutions for two challenges Yara is facing. One of the challenges was how Yara can further reduce the visible dust released during bulk fertiliser transfer to ships to zero, without reducing capacity.
After extensive selection weeks and an intensive process with Dockwize coaches and Yara experts, the winners of the Yara Challenges were announced this week, including the solution of De Regt Conveyor Systems!
The challenge
Yara Sluiskil is a manufacturer of artificial fertiliser, established in Sluiskil. The product is largely transported by ship, from the quay located next to the factory. When loading fertiliser, a small amount of dust is always released, which is blown through the air in the nearby area by the wind.
The solution: a hopper with weighing system on the loading crane
The solution presented by us is a hopper with a weighing system, which is mounted on the loading crane that loads the fertiliser from the factory to ships. This system was conceived and developed by director/owner Peter de Regt and has already proved successful in a pilot phase.
The hopper ensures a throughput of the product, from a minimum content of 200 kilograms of product (based on the weighing system used). This ensures less air during product loading, resulting in a constant product flow with very minimal dust formation.
Proud of this project
Peter de Regt: “We are naturally very proud to have been chosen as the winner of this challenge (together with a solution from TBK-GROUP Spillage Control) out of a selection of entries. Entries to the Yara Challenge came from all over the world, ranging from America and India to Biervliet, some 39 in total. We look forward to seeing our solution implemented in practice.”

IJzendijkseweg 5
4521 GX Biervliet
T. +31 (0)115 456 200